- CDC's Own Data: Vaccine-Infant Death Link The CDC’s own research has found that the long denied vaccine-SIDS link is real.
- Could this be Driving the Epidemic of Sudden Infant Death (SIDS)? A new study published in Current Medicine and Chemistry titled, “Sudden infant death following hexavalent vaccination: a neuropathologic study,” lends support for the long theorized link between an ever-expanding number of infant vaccines and Sudden Infan
- Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? The US childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year—the most in the world—yet 33 nations have lower IMRs.
- Learn How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Vaccine Reactions 69 Doses of 16 Vaccines by Age 18? Before you take the risk, find out what it is.
- Sudden infant death following hexavalent vaccination: a neuropathologic study We examined a large number of sudden infant death syndrome victims in order to point out a possible causal relationship between a previous hexavalent vaccination and the sudden infant death.